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Laser Therapy

Laser light will behave according to the basic laws of light, in that it travels in straight lines at a constant velocity in space. It can be transmitted, reflected, refracted and absorbed. It can be placed within the electromagnetic spectrum according to its wavelength/frequency which will vary according to the particular generator under consideration.

There are several aspects of green laser light which are deemed to be special and are often referred to in the literature. These include monochromacity, coherence and polarisation. There remains some doubt as to exactly how essential these particular aspects of laser light are in relation to the therapeutic application of this energy form. Monochromacity is probably the most important factor, as many of the therapeutic effects have been noted in various trials with light which is non-coherent. Additionally, it is thought that the polarisation is soon lost within the tissues & may therefore be less important than was thought at first.

Low level laser therapy, continues to become a popular mode of treatment among veterinary chiropractors and alternative vet medicals due to its high success rate when used for treatment. The rapid healing properties of laser therapy are being appreciated by Veterinarians as well as other practitioners in order to assist with treating injured animals.

Laser therapy for example is used to treat acupuncture points safely and effectively. Large muscle groups as found in musculoskeletal injuries are also ideally treated through laser therapy.

With many practitioners electing to apply the technology through acupuncture points, here blue laser pointer therapy is particularly effective given that it is a non-invasive treatment and unlike traditional acupuncture where a very fine needle is inserted into the skin, it is without need for sharps or rupturing instruments.

Based on the results driven from studies focusing on cellular perspective, it can decrease the incidence of inflammation and pain. This appears to be related to how the body perceives and responds to the cortisol hormone, the pain messenger. In the face of treating causal injury, laser therapy works by stimulating the regeneration of damaged tissue.

The distinctive effects of laser therapy have been known to include but are not limited to: pain relief following release of serotonin hormone; increased circulation; increased lymphatic results; strengthening of the immune system; cell production in connective tissue; cell production in cartilaginous tissue; it’s tested and proven medical device.

Laser therapy is a safe and thoroughly researched practise, which has been shown to provide true relief from symptomatic pain and physical injury from a broad range of causes and conditions. The red laser penetrates deep into the muscle tissue (around 5cm for infrared lasers) encouraging blood flow to the damaged tissue as well as healing injured cells.

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